Assistant Professor
Qualification - LL.M NET, Ph.D
Nature of appointment - Guest Faculty
Total Teaching Experience - 2 Years
LL.B; LL.M ;PRT; NET; Ph.D [LAW] (2017)-Patna University
M.A.[PMIR (L&SW) Patna University
M.A. (Pol. Science) ; PGDMM (IGNOU, NEW DELHI)
B.A. [Hons] Pol Sc.; Patna University
Dr.Upendra Nath, an alumnus of prestigious Patna Law College under the aegis of Patna University, joined this „Alma-mater‟- the premier institution of legal studies in Bihar as an Part-Time Assistant Professor in the Year 2020. Prior to joining this esteemed Law College as an academician, Dr. Nath, after his enrolment in Bar Council of India {BCI} as an Advocate, meticulously practiced both Civil and Criminal Laws in the Judicature of Hon‟ble Patna High Court from 1996 onwards.
Being regarded as an insignia of dedication in the arena of academics, Dr.Upendra Nath also got awarded with his well accomplished Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Degree in the Faculty of Law, from the premier Patna University, Patna, Bihar (India) itself in the Year 2017.
Towards pursuing his career as academician at Patna Law College, Dr. Nath dedicated himself in exploring in-depth study of assigned subjects and subsequently abets preparing E-content student‟s friendly study materials for the ultimate benefit of the concerned.
Dr. Upendra Nath even actively involved himself in the varied academic activities of the Patna Law College and in the same vein he continues being amongst the founder Editorial Board members of the esteemed College‟s Quarterly News Bulletin- “LEX SUPREMA”.
Dr. Nath has also presented papers, on themes of global significance, at international conference; noteworthy being the 3rd Edition of the “Business Risks in Changing Dynamics of Global Village (BRCDGV-2020)” that was held on November 24 2020 at Patna under the aegis of Indo-European Economic Federation (IEEF) with Patna University as one of its Associate Partners.
Significantly it is well asserted that in the backdrop of his staunch commitment and zeal towards accomplishing the avowed objective to preserve and protect the hard-earned academic glory vis-à-vis reputation of our premier Patna Law College under the aegis of Patna University; profound caliber of Dr.Upendra Nath may prove indispensable for the inclusive educational growth and development of this institution in the years ahead.