Dr. Salim Jawed
Assistant Professor (Senior Scale)
Qualification - LL.M, Ph.D in Law
Nature of appointment - Permanent
Total Teaching Experience - 11 Years
Designation - Assistant Professor (Senior Scale)
Year of Appointment - July-2009
Email: salimnoor2006@rediffmail.com
Dr. Salim Jawed BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Salim Jawed is a dynamic academician and currently serving as an Assistant Professor (Senior Scale) of law at Patna Law College since 2009 and also discharging the duty of Director, Directorate of Distance Education, Patna University. He was the Head of the University Department of Law, Patna University from 2017 to 2020. He has also served as Director, IQAC at Patna Law College and NSS Programme Officer of the College. He has been the convenor/member of different committees at University and College level. He is deeply committed to advance legal and scholarship through rigorous research and publication. His work has been published in prestigious Journal including UGC listed and Care Journals. He is having the credit of more than 30 publications.
Beyond his academic and professional credentials, he brings a collaborative spirit and proactive approach to problem solving and a genuine enthusiasm for mentoring new legal professionals.